![]() July 2003
To: Users of Robelle Software Re: News of the HP 3000 and Robelle Our newsletter is published monthly and on-line, with an email notification to customers. Each issue is jam-packed with articles, but if you get as much email as I do, you may have missed this valuable service. Back issues can be reviewed at http://www.robelle.com/newsletterThe Robelle newsletter really needs to be read on-line, since the headline of every story is actually a web link to the full story or more information. In the interest of keeping the newsletter short and readable, the details are often to be found in the web links. The on-line newsletter is at http://www.robelle.com/library/newsletter/latest.html Table of Contents: |
Here is a list of the latest MPE talks and tutorials in August.
HP White Paper: TurboIMAGE and databases
The HP take on how to migrate IMAGE databases.
Representing Robelle at HPWorld in Atlanta, August 11-15, will be Tammy Roscoe, Francois Desrochers, and Bob Green (who will be presenting a paper on database migration). Look for us in booth 114. As you enter the show floor, turn left and walk to the left wall. We look forward to seeing old friends again, and making new ones.
Soccer First!
Robelle's software lab is located in the Caribbean on the island of Anguilla. The Anguilla National Football team defeated Nevis on Sunday June 29th. The final score as 4-1.
What makes this match noteworthy is that the Suprtool Software Architect, Neil Armstrong, played on the national team in this match, his first international team competition. Congratulations to Neil! [Click the picture above to enlarge it.]
Read Bob Green's newly updated and expanded article on the use of search keys in TurboIMAGE.
MPE/iX System Problem Analysis - by Bill Cadier
Learn all about MPE internals and ways to get a hint of what may be wrong on your system, before calling for support.
If you would like to test this enhancement as soon as it is ready, please email bgreen@robelle.com
And the solution does not slow Suprtool down for people who do not need this functionality. The $Stddate function takes care of everything, by letting you decide when to invoke it. $Stddate converts dates from any of the formats that Suprtool recognizes into a common standard format, ccyymmdd.
Performance of Migrated HP e3000 Applications - by Kevin Cooper
This presentation from the recent Solutions Symposium helps answer the question: "what size system(s) will you need to run your migrated 3000 application on a new platform?". To save the PowerPoint file (.ppt) right click/save-as here. Here is a quote from the concluding slide:
"Feedback from some early benchmarks suggests that an overall increase of 25-50% in processing power was about the right amount for those benchmarks. Each site needs to approximate what will be needed, based on the guidelines found here. Verify your approximations with performance tests before you go live!"
HP White Paper: Compilers and User Interfaces
This is HP's white paper with their ideas on migrating programming language compilers and user interfaces.
Integer Keys: The Fifth Solution
Rene Woc writes: Bob Green's article on "zero secondaries" in the June newsletter explains very well the pitfalls and solutions when using "integer keys" in IMAGE master datasets. However, I believe Bob's article missed a 5th solution, one that guarantees no-secondaries with integer keys, if you know how the key values are assigned. This is the most common case. The solution is described in Fred White's article "Integer Keys: The Final Chapter" available from Adager's web site. It's the solution Adager customers with "integer keys" use. Any HP3000 user can always call Adager to obtain the proper capacity values for their particular case.
John Burke has posted net.digest for June, including this interesting question:
Is the root file the root of all knowledge? This was the question: “I have an Image database in which the item declarations have been added willy-nilly, and now I'd like to sort those declarations for easier readability without breaking my database and without doing a reload. Will this work?” He then went on to describe how he wanted to generate a schema with Adager, sort the item list, create a new empty database with this schema and replace the original root file with the new one.
The net.digest for May 2003 is also worth reading, even if just for the fact that the Unix Haters Handbook is now available on line.
John Burke: Hidden Value for June
John's great column in the NewsWire is now online and full of useful information, including this Q&A:
How can I find out what is installed on my system? Andreas Schmidt replied: HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS shows the OS Level, patch level, and hp patches applied as long as standard patch routines have been used. No third party software is listed in HPSWINFO, however. Robert Mills added that for third party tools you could try the 'System Inventory Utility (SIU)' written by Jeff Vance. It's available as a free download from Jazz at:
John Burke noted that for HP software, xeq psirpt.pred.sys gives a complete listing of products/bundles.
Note: the May column is online now as well.
Here is a nice list of HP 3000 consultants on the Adager web site, with short descriptions of each one.
Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. provides the What's Up, DOCumentation? newsletter as a service to our customers. The newsletter is available on the web: in HTML format for browsing and PDF format for printing. Visit www.robelle.com/library/newsletter/
Comments about this issue, as well as ideas for future issues, including news, tips, and suggestions for articles, can be sent to bgreen@robelle.com.
* HPWorld in Atlanta is fast approaching.
* Is a "Zero Secondaries" Report Good News?
* New Suprtool has unbelievable enhancements
* New Qedit for Windows release