
Features In Suprtool 4.7.11

By Neil Armstrong, Robelle

$Findclean Function

We recently added the $Clean function to primarily clean "bad" characters in text fields. This has been an extremely popular enhancement, but many users wanted to do investigative work and identify which records had these bad characters, to hopefully deduce where the "bad" data was coming from.

For this reason, we have added the $FindClean function for both MPE and HP-UX. $FindClean returns true if it finds a character defined using the Clean command.

  >in cleansd
  >clean "^9","^10"
  >if $findclean(nonprint)

The above task will list the record if the field nonprint has a Tab (Decimal 9) or a Line Feed (Decimal 10) anywhere in the field.

You can Find and clean the "bad" characters from a field at the same time:

  >in cleansd
  >clean "^9","^10"
  >if $findclean(nonprint)
  >extract nonprint=$clean(nonprint)

HP-UX only Features

Dbedit Module

The Dbedit Module has been enabled in Suprtool for HP-UX. It works with Eloquence databases and with Oracle databases with the IMAXSoft version of Suprtool. Entered through the Edit command, this module allows you to easily List, Update, Delete, Put and Change data entries by their key fields.

The Dbedit Manual will be in the Suprtool for HP-UX 4.8 release. In the meantime you can use the MPE version of the manual.

List Command

The List command in Suprtool for HP-UX has a new File keyword that allows output to be directed to a file. The List command also has a new option to Append to an existing file.

The File option takes the next parameter as the filename:

  >in test/file1sd
  >list stan file myslist

If the file myslist exists, it will be overwritten, unless you specify the Append option. If you specify the Append option, the new report will be added to the file.

So if you want to combine two reports to the same output file, you just need to do the following:

  >in test/file1sd
  >list stan file myslist
  >in test/file2sd
  >list stan file myslist append

If you have any questions or feedback on these and any other enhancements to Suprtool e-mail Neil Armstrong at